
I write my journal as I see my life, I write the truth from my side, whilst some may not agree with me, I ask you do not hold judgement, just understand, what flows from my heart and soul, is simply what I believe, what I have experienced.
I write this page now, as I get accused of lying. Please if you are going to do this, I ask that you, provide solid evidence, so I can retract my statement or wording.
If you accuse of my of lying, and I state I have evidence, please don’t then start claiming you know the truth and I am still lying, ask to see my proof, as I will happily share this with you.
If you can not provide this, then please respect that, my side stays.
You cannot prove I am lying, like wise I cannot prove you are speaking the truth.
At this point, there is no wrong or right.
Simply 2 people with differing opinions.
When it comes to my story, please,
Be Kind,
I speak only as I know, what I have been through. I seek no hate, I see no point of fabricating the truth,
as that does not help me in understanding my path or who I am, and where I am.