
Who I actually am is something I am still trying to understand,
Here’s what I know of myself so far

Music keeps me calm
I own every Mariah Carey album bar her newest
My fav song of all time is def Leppard when love and hate collide
I have met Katherine Jenkins twice
I have met John Barrowman twice
I love books, I have dozens
I can’t stop buying books,
(if anyone has any John Saul laying round send them my way!)
I love mermaids
I’m obsessed with hares and rabbits My sense of humour is dry and sarcastic
Monkeys/gorillas/apes etc scare the shit out of me (think arachnophobia but with them instead)
I have 3 tattoos, one being a 3 legged dragon
I am deep down a caring person but grumpy me is dominant
I can’t do crowded spaces I freak out
I love the ocean, grew up on the beaches
I don’t have a favourite colour

Digital art was my creative escape
I struggle with conversation