Peacefully Erratic

This journal is not about documenting every second of my life,
I want it to be about the moments that changed me, Important moments that effected me and how the past went into creating the person I am today.
There will be memories, short one paragraphs and there will be full chapters.
Some posts may tie in to others, others will be stand alone.
It will also be about present moments, whats happening and so forth, they say talking to people or writing down is good, I don’t do people, so I am aiming for the latter.

This is a journal that will be slow, but one I hope I can do, even if it’s a post a month I don’t know.
Its as my mind flows.

Either way if you choose to join me here,
Thank you.

Peacefully Erratic

I often thought, if I reset back up my blog, where would I start. Do they have to have rhyme and reason, or can they be sporadic and chaotic, either way please just bare with me. My grammar won’t always be 100% perfect some down to predictive text confusing me, either way
The chaos of this blog, matching the person I believe I am.
Who I am as a person, the one who writes this is irrelevant, my current situation makes no changes and never will to what I have gone through. What I have gone through is relevant, as it’s made me who I am today. Someone who is struggling to see past tomorrow, someone who see’s herself as:

A grumpy sod will be posting here often, I hope to blog my ramblings, my thoughts.
I love mermaids, I swear like a sailor, I am a spiritualist, Nough Said.